How Do Cell Towers Work?
Existing evidence is raising significant questions about health risks from cell phone and wireless radiation. Given the size of the potential impact, there is inadequate awareness, research, and regulation and people should take precautions to reduce exposure now.
Compared with adults, research on children shows that microwave radiation is absorbed twice as much into their brain, up to triple in their brain’s hippocampus and hypothalamus and up to ten times as much into the bone marrow of the skull.
“Electromagnetic Fields: A Hazard to Your Health?” –American Academy of Pediatrics

Whenever you use your mobile phone to make a call, it emits electromagnetic radio waves also known as radio frequency or RF energy. Once the radio waves are emitted, the antenna from the nearest cell phone tower will receive them. The antennas of a cell tower can both transmit and receive signals from mobile phones.
Unless you live in some unbelievably remote location, the odds are high that you’re being bombarded with information-carrying radio waves that can wreak havoc on your body.
These radio waves have increased dramatically and exponentially over the last few years -- especially from cell phones, but also from WiFi, WiMax, BlueTooth, and other wireless devices. For most people, the damage from this 24-7 exposure will take years or even decades to surface since there is a lag time of five to 20 years for the health effects to become clinically apparent.

You may not realize that you are likely living closer to a cell phone tower than you think. Cell “sites” can look like antennas or huge towers, but they can also be quite camouflaged. They exist on many schools, churches, firehouses, cemeteries and even in national parks. If you’re wondering why a school or park would want a cell site on their grounds, it’s because the cell phone companies pay to have them there, with fees that can range upwards of $2,000 a month.“Small cell” is a junkyard on a pole.
“Small cell” towers are not small, they are many feet taller than other telephone poles and loaded with electrical equipment. Overloading poles can cause a tower to fall or spark a fire like what happened in Malibu in 2007.
“When Santa Ana winds swept through the canyon on Oct. 21, 2007, three utility poles next to Malibu Canyon Road toppled and ignited the fire. The blaze burned 3,836 acres and destroyed or damaged dozens of structures and vehicles. The poles were jointly owned by SoCal Edison, AT&T Mobility, Verizon Wireless and NextG Networks of California.”3 (Note the Sebastopol Rd. tower in the photo on the left is newly installed and already leaning.) 3 top-60-million-20130520